Thursday, September 18, 2014

today by the numbers

over 600: the number of students that got up and sang for Grandparent's Day today

about 500: the number of Grandparents that attended

4: the number of golf carts that we used to transport Grandparents from "alternative parking" (the terrible field out back) up to the building

6: the number of birthday presents I got today

2: the number of my parents that were there today - not for me, of course, but they were there nonetheless

21: the number of risers that were handled (man-handled) in the process of tearing down after the morning program, setting up for lunch, tearing down lunch, setting up for the afternoon program, and then cleaning up

60: the number of blissful minutes that was my massage after the day was over. Best. Decision. Ever.

Happy Grandparent's Day!

Sunday, September 7, 2014


This is where I was this weekend.

What a beautiful place to spend a weekend! High School group went on a retreat this weekend, and we went to a camp up in the mountains. The weather wasn't that great on the way up there, but as you can see, Saturday was gorgeous! This was free time - most everybody went canoeing or kayaking. It was fun to watch the kids gather out in the middle of the lake on their canoes - they called a "lake party". :)

I love a retreat. 

The opportunity to get away from regular life and retreat somewhere is wonderful. We retreated from all kinds of things. But most importantly we pushed on toward others. We studied the book of Ephesians, and spent time with God.We pondered what He wants us to do with our lives, and we prayed about it. That is an important question when you are in high school, but it's also an important question when you are a ways out of high school. Like me. :)

I am so blessed to be able to retreat, and to retreat with such a great bunch of high schoolers. 

I am grateful.