Thursday, December 16, 2010


I've decided to apply a little "WWRD" to my life today. For those of you who are NOT company girls, that's "What would Rachel Do?"

Today at school is the last full day before Christmas Break. Praise the Lord!

Anyway, I always get some nice gifts from my students for Christmas. Today I decided to bring a stack of thank-you cards to school. As I had a moment or two, I wrote a thank-you note for a gift. As of this moment I am proud to say that I have written 17 thank-yous so far, which is 17 thank-yous that I DON'T have to write over Christmas Break.

Don't you think that this will make my break much more relaxed???

I do. :)

Here's to having a break, and to being thankful.


  1. So so so smart! I, too, loved all the thoughtful gifts, but didn't love spending a day of my break writing thank yous. Nice work!

  2. Hooray! Great way to get some things done!

  3. I do the same thing for my students. Usually during our "party" or a movie...I write notes and send them home with the kids, so great to know that is one less thing to do over the holidays! Have a great, relaxing weekend!
